Our Meeting Room (for hire) ...

We can provide a laptop and data projector if required. Also we have installed hi-speed WiFi for Internet access in ALL areas of our building. We now have 70 Mbs Broadband for fast video streaming and downloading. 

Also in the next couple of months we will be installing an advanced Audi-Visual system including an audio loop and headphones for folk that need them.

Our Cafe Area & Kitchen

(also for hire) ...

We can provide tea & coffee making and also cooking facilities, fridge, cleaning & dishwasher, vacuum cleaner etc. We cannot procure or prepare cooked food for visitors and guests, so you bring your own - do your own prep and clean-up afterwards.

Our Workshops

 (for Members only) ...

We have exceptionally well-equipped workshops for wood and metal working. We have a large stock of softwoods and hardwoods which Members can use for their own projects or for public projects. We have very skilled members who can train and supervise SAFE use on these machines.